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Saturday, December 3, 2011

The role of WeQuests in learning a foreign/second language?

      A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet, optionally supplemented with videoconferencing. There are at least two levels of WebQuests that should be distinguished from one another.

     Web Quest gives students the tasks and specific activities to enable them to use sources of knowledge available to solve the problems raised in addition to learning life skills such as discovery, reasoning and inference and generalization, so the responses when dealing with the knowledge is not specified in advance, but there is creativity and learning an active and sustainable. Web Quest is a modern and fantastic occupancy and activation of the students to explore knowledge in a planned and sequential through educational activities, methods of teaching education depends on information technology and work groups such as the methods of problem solving and active learning effective, which makes the student center of the educational activity.  Web Quest allows students to explore specific issues and achieved self-knowledge and achieve the building of his own knowledge and creativity of this, the student can deal with the knowledge in a way beneficial process does not depend on the conservation and memorization. Web Quest develop creative production is raising a student researcher for the truth and the press discovered the vulnerabilities and critic, who compares the various roads and standing on the best and the designer who has the development tools and use them as benefit society and the spokesman suave, which presents his view of the evidence and to defend and seasoned diplomat who stands on all points consider and choose from the words what gained him the hearts and minds.
according to these featuers of webquest there are some stages can effect on learning a second language

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reflection on the three weeks


     During three weeks,  I have learned many things in EDU401 class. First of all I have idea about  how to be  a member of a Yahoo group and how to share information , terms of course in this website, Which is social and educational way. actually I interested  add some photo and share it with other members group. Also I have learned more about  blogger which  I have before this time a little feedback about this website  but  according to this course I have full of  abut this website. I have  idea about how to follow other's blogs and how to post and add a comment where ever in my blogger or my friends blogger which is made me interesting in this course, also I have learned how to create account at a wiki spaces  this spaces allows the easy creation and editing of any number of  interlinked web pages via a web browser  using a simplified  mark up  web and  by this website I can share databases and information with others around the world. And I easily create account in this website.
     Also I go on the other website which is more interesting actually it support educational process which is delicious . It is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks. I  create I count in this web and start bookmarking the links of the  my private blog, my group wiki and our  Yahoo Group and tag them EDU401 , also  add 4 links for each skill in English language teaching, i.e., reading, listening, speaking and writing and  tag them: EDU401.  
      Finally, I am interesting and really enjoy in this course even if I face some problem and I was confused in the beginning but I overcome it by the help of Dr Hala, and I have more about how to use technology in teaching and education process .  I appreciate the effort made by Dr. Hala, and what you do to help us during this course.

My best wishes


Monday, October 10, 2011

How would I use blogs, wikis and delicious with my EFL students?

How would I use blogs, wikis and delicious with my EFL students?

     I think that we should use technology in our classes with EFL students for example; Blogging is a great way to allow your EFL students to be  a “real” audience and connect with other learners using blogger posts to improve students  skills such as  writing  grammar, reading and other skills . Teacher asks the students to write a paragraph as about themselves  or description of an experiences in their life  to measure their ability in writing , and the other students who are members  group  comment and correct the mistakes of their friends' posts, or asks them to put photo in their blogger and asks them to describe it or add a comment about it to  measure their comprehensive by using a suitable words  and writing .

   By using delicious also, teacher can give the students hyper links to go over and also to share with other some links that useful for their course . Such as a web site offers  activities or worksheet that help students to improve their vocabulary such as  giving them multiple choices with sentences to choose the correct word and falling the blanks with suitable words , or links for reading text with general questions to improve their comprehension and reading skills . and asks them to bookmark an articles websites which can help them in their course and make them  more interesting.  

     By using wiki teacher and students  can create a data pace for the group works such as projects and creating lessons such as vocabulary and grammar activities and PowerPoint which can support their understanding . Students can set up their own wiki for summaries or notes. Teachers can set up a wiki for lesson notes or reading notes. Each student can be assigned to a chapter or section and add their notes and summaries. Teaches can also design guided questions or topics for students to fill in. Then they can help one another by adding onto someone else's notes or summary sections. Before a test or exam, students can then study everyone's wiki's.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Application of Bax Normilasation in Saudi Arabia: The how!"

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

         Warschauer and Healey famously identifies three phases of CALL which they terms   Behaviouristic, Communicative and Integrative .  But these three stages has some defects were observed by Stephen Bax these are weakness and ambiguity. Stephen Bax suggests three new CALL  that are restricted approach, open CALL and integrated approach. "Restricted approach"  this term is more comprehensive and flexible. It's  refers to the underlying learning theory besides other things such as: the actual software, types of activities, teachers' roles, feedback offered to students and other dimensions. We can clearly see the restriction in the role of a teacher as a monitor. Moreover, the feedback offered to students and to other dimensions.  Open CALL According to Bax, this variety of CALL is more open in terms of feedback given to students, software types and the role of the teacher. It includes simulations and games. Bax argues that we are still using the Open CALL approach. "Integrated approach"  introduced by Warschauer and Healey, this approach doesn't exist yet. According to Bax, this approach represents an aim toward which we should be working. the teacher serves as a manager and facilitator.
          The process of teaching and learning in Saudi Arabia  based on  the traditional ways  which is so boring and oldest. Some of traditional materials use to support the lesson  such as board , book, pen, worksheets and sometimes they use projector . the teacher  must use the technology materials to help the student to get more motivation to learn and be interactive in their course. The teacher have to use the technology  in the teaching process as a normal called normalization which makes the teaching process more attractive and motivated . As  we know there are many useful and interesting  sites for communication and exchange of information among members of group , and generation at this time tends to these sites because they find the ease and interesting during use it such as twitter, face book,…etc. So. The teacher must use the technology tools as a part of lesson like computer and provide the devices with latest teaching  such as programs and tools which can support the teaching process  and Ipod . All of these  help students to used the technology in the right and more interesting ways to get information and learn in different way. Also the teacher plays main role in the teaching process . Finally teacher and the using of technology together we can realize this normalization system and to achieve successful learning.    

Thursday, September 29, 2011